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A Story of Empowerment

My story began during my second year at university. While pursuing my bachelor of science in interior architecture and design with a minor in construction management, one of my professors in construction had been targeting young women and sexually harassing as well as assaulting them. I became targeted by him and learned a difficult lesson on the real condition of women that day. As part of my healing process, I proceeded to create this design and have it displayed on behalf of my fellow survivors to inspire empowerment amongst all women in the STEAM industries.


Throughout my journey behind creating this design, the support I received from both women and men in our university's construction department truly restored my faith in humanity. I realized that only a small percentage of people were perpetuating the unfair treatment of women. It became clear to me that we can unite, regardless of gender, to put an end to this historical imbalance. 


Whether you are a male ally or a woman affected by the gender inequity present in STEAM, I believe it is our time to reclaim our power and embrace a bold future.

When she is targeted, she will rise above. When she is ignored, she will dare to be louder. And when she is underestimated, let them watch what she can do.




Meet Ren: Meet the Team
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